I'm pretty sure I've suffered from depression most of my life. I just always remember an overwhelming feeling of disappointment, kind of like "Really? Is this really all there is?" Like I was missing something that everyone else seemed to "get". About 15 years ago it seemed to get worse and I finally talked to a doctor about the possibility of taking anti-depressants. Probably one of the hardest things I've ever done but also one of the best things I've ever done. It felt like the sun finally came out from behind the clouds and there was just a little bit more joy in my world. I met my husband, got married and we had two beautiful little babies. However, after I had my second child, the depression worsened and I found myself overwhelmed, with no energy and very little patience with the kids. I felt like I was giving and giving everything I had to everyone around me and no one seemed to appreciate it. Whatever I did, it never seemed to be enough. I was still taking my anti-depressants but they just weren't doing the trick. I couldn't experiment with other depression medications because I was breast feeding my baby girl and couldn't risk taking something that wouldn't be good for her. I felt like I was destined to be stuck in my dark and dreary existence, missing out on the joy that was all around me but that I couldn't see because of my depression.
One day my wonderful husband introduced me to Success magazine. I'm not trying to sell subscriptions to Success magazine but I can honestly say that reading that first issue was a life changing experience for me. Every article in it was so positive and encouraging. From there I started listening to motivational audio books in my car on my way to work and back. I noticed immediately what an incredible influence they had on me. They gave me the glimmer of hope that I so desperately needed to help pull me out of my dark depression.
One of the things that I learned about from listening to all of those audio books and reading numerous other books is something called The Law of Attraction. The best definition I've come across for the Law of Attraction is this:
I attract to my life whatever I give my attention, energy, and focus to, whether positive or negative. You can use the Law of Attraction deliberately and integrate it into their daily life. By doing this, you will attract all you need to do, know, and have so you can get more of what you want and less of what you don't want.
I try my best to make the Law of Attraction work for me but I have to admit, it's a struggle. Lately I have been wondering why I have such a hard time staying positive when I realize how important it is to keep a positive attitude. Even with everything I have learned, it seems like my default attitude is set for "negative". It's very frustrating to understand the importance of a positive attitude but not be able to actually maintain one, no mater how much you try.
In June 2011 our family moved from Sacramento, California to the North Shore of Massachusetts. It has been a tougher transition than I thought it would be but I am learning to enjoy some of the things that New England has to offer. And I love being so close to the ocean (even if it is the Atlantic rather than the Pacific). :-)
Last night I started reading the book "Happy For No Reason" by Marci Shimoff. I felt like I wrote the first few chapters myself. Marci wrote
"This book was born of my own deep longing to be happy. The kind of happy that is solid, true, and anchored in my being, so that no matter what my external circumstances are, there is still a feeling of unshakeable fulfillment, joy, and inner peace. Other people lived this way, so I knew it was possible. Yet for so many years, no matter what I did, it seemed to elude me. I knew there was something still missing. I just couldn't tell you what it was. I was happy about the things in my life, but not really happy...the deep happiness I craved just wasn't happening. I had every reason to be happy and yet I wasn't."
She goes on to write:
"That's when I shifted my focus to the idea of Happy for No Reason and started applying the principles I discovered through my research and interviews. As a result, my own happiness level took a quantum leap. I felt a greater sense of peace and well-being that came from deep inside."
After reading her words, I feel a new glimmer of hope. Maybe this is the step I've been missing that will help all of the other things I've learned fall into place.
So, that is the premise of my blog. My search for happiness in my every day life. I hope you'll join me on my journey and follow my progress.